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Cigar Lover, Does your partner do this?

Cigar Lover, Does your partner do this?

Having white teeth can play a massive role in boosting your confidence. And it will help make you feel more attractive when you smile. Unfortunately, many traditional teeth whitening methods can be expensive. And some treatments can cause harm to your teeth and gums. But you can use natural methods to whiten your teeth at home. These simple treatments will save you money. It will also help you avoid the risks associated with harsh teeth-whitening products. Whiten your teeth with this. One of the most effective natural ways to whiten your teeth is to use a paste made from ginger root and baking soda. Cigar Lover, Does your partner do this? Is your partner ready to pull a gun on you?

How to make your at-home Teeth Whitening paste

How to make your at-home Teeth Whitening paste

So before you allow that to happen, here is a natural way to whiten your teeth at home. This will help you erase stubborn yellow teeth stains before your partner leaves because of your yellow teeth stains.

Use this method below to get more confident and erase yellow teeth stains.


==> 1/2 Tablespoon of ginger ( Grateed ginger)

➡️ 1/4 Baking Soda

==> 1 Teaspoon Lemon Juice

➡️ 1/2 Colgate Toothpaste

Make sure to use a brand-new toothbrush for your first use.

Don’t use your older toothbrush with your new mix.

Mix well

Follow these steps to avoid your partner pull a gun on you due to your teeth stains😀🤣😁

Start by grating half a tablespoon of ginger root into a small bowl. Next, add a quarter tablespoon of baking soda to the grated ginger. Then, mix the two ingredients until they form a paste. Now, add a teaspoon of lemon juice to the paste and mix it until it forms a thick paste. Once you have the paste ready, it’s time to apply it to your teeth.

Read this before you start. It’s important to use a brand-new toothbrush. It will help ensure that you don’t transfer bacteria from your old toothbrush onto your teeth.

Now, dip the new toothbrush into the paste and brush your teeth in a circular motion for two minutes. Make sure that you reach all the difficult spots in your mouth and that the paste is evenly distributed.

After two minutes, spit out the excess paste and rinse your mouth with lukewarm water. Now, you can use your regular toothpaste to brush your teeth for two minutes.

This will help remove any remaining paste and give your teeth an extra clean look and feel.

Wtach this video below.

Teeth Whitening Routine without a partner pulling a gun on you 😂

To get the most out of your whitening routine, it’s important to do it once or twice a week. This will help your teeth stay white and remove any surface stains. If you’re feeling adventurous, you can try adding some other ingredients. Other natural ingredients can help the ginger and baking soda paste. A healthy diet will make it even more effective.

For instance, eat a healthy fruit and vegetable diet. Try to cut down on soda drinks, too much coffee, red wine and spicy foods.

To conclude, This ginger and baking soda paste is a great way to naturally whiten your teeth at home. Not only is it effective, but it also doesn’t cost much money. And the best part is that it doesn’t involve any harsh chemicals that can harm your teeth and gums. So, if you’re looking for a natural, cost-effective way to whiten your teeth, give this method a try.


If you want a Professional teeth whitening solution developed by a Dentist.

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Read this below

An At-home Dentist developed Teeth Whitening Kit Cigar that will avoid your partner to pull a gun on you😃🤣😃
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An At-home Dentist developed Teeth Whitening Kit Cigar that will avoid your partner to pull a gun on you😃🤣😃

What you get in this At-Home teeth whitening kit.

✅ Tons of 5 Star reviews

☑️ 97% see results after just 1 use and 100% see long-lasting results after just 21 days. It’s that fast.

✔️ Costs less than $2 per whitening treatment, instead of $650–$1,000 for a single whitening treatment at the dentist.

✅ Created by a dentist and formulated with quality ingredients.

☑️ Safe to use at home

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💘 Both you and celebrities can feel confident about using the teeth whitening kit again and again.

🔝 Celebrities love this teeth-whitening kit

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